Tourismus-Porjekt: Staffel 3 verabschiedet und Start der 4. Staffel

Das Tourismus-Projekt geht weiter. Inzwischen haben 31 Studenten der 3. Staffel ihre Zertifikate erhalten und die neue Staffel 4 steht in den Startlöchern. Ohmar hat uns einige Fotos und Bemerkungen von der Abschlussfeier der 3. Staffel geschickt. Gleichzeitig war dies die Startveranstaltung für Staffel 4 (Batch Four).

Many greetings from Mandalay!

First of all, I would like to say thank you so much for supporting Tourism project. Without the support of Förderverein Myanmar e.V., there would be no Batch 4.

We also try our best. In the attached Photos, please kindly see our graduation and welcoming ceremony.

We invited the Director of Ministery of Hotel and Tourism, all teachers, volunteers from PDO TV channel called MRTV, newspaper, different media and many sectors from tourism industry such as Hotel, travel agencies. There were about 200 persons including our students.

Big big party. This year 31 students got a certificate . We have many photos and some movie of our students performance.

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement !

Best regards, Ohmar​

Hier noch einige Fotos von der Graduation and Welcome-Party:

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