Lisa Banek: The drinking water supply of Mingun kindergarden before completion


Lisa Banek bei der Verlegung des Drainagerohrs in der östlichen Mauer des Kindergartens


Lisa Banek has been working for some months now at the PDO. Considering the fact that not all our readers could read her reports, Lisa gives a short introduction of herself:

I’m a young engineer with a master degree in environmental engineering. The main reason why I chose these studies was that I have always wanted to work in foreign aid or in care of the environment. During my studies, I learnt a lot about international projects to relieve poverty and to improve the living standard in developing countries and emerging economies.
During my studies, my main focus was on sewerage technique, recycling technique and water supply.

In short: Lisa Banek is the right woman for the job. The following extracts are taken from Lisa’s working diary:

1st December 2016
This week I ‘ve had another discussion with Chan Chan about planning the water tower. We also talked about a suitable site of the filter and the tank for drinking water and I think, I will go there myself to get an idea about the right site.
First, we had thought the right site would be under the water tower, but now the Burmese would like to have the drinking water supply close to the building. Moreover, the drinking water tank has a capacity of 300 litres. 500 litres are too big, because the filter (Paul) should be working permanently, respectively has to be flooded permanently with water.
A “blue” pump is on site (firm: Tiger). But this pump is not an automatic one. Wolfgang
(Wolfgang Müller-Wind, a board member of the FÖRDERVEREIN) and myself are convinced that the investment of an automatic pump would be convenient. It should be guaranteed that there is always enough water and the filter should always be filled with water, too. But at first the existing blue pump is installed.

On Monday, the laying and installation of the pump are taking place.

5th December 2016

Today we have transported the water tanks by ship to Mingun. We made a hole in the wall of the nursery school building to lay a temporary “drainage pipe”. We did this, because one corner of the nursery school grounds in rain storms and in rainy season is heavily congested with water so that the wall has been damaged and the swing can no longer be used.
When the school building is built, some concrete should be taken to fix the drainage pump properly. Besides they should think of plastering this side of the wall.

On Monday, Chan Chan, some employees of the technical service and myself went to Mingun to make progress in our water tower project. We bought a tank for drinking water with a capacity of 300 litres as well as an automatic pump, water taps, pipes, hoses, seals, valves and other installation equipment that we needed urgently. First, we went by car to the jetty, where all the materials were loaded onto a boat.
In Mingun all the materials were transported in a small car to the nursery school. After arriving at the nursery school we had a discussion about a suitable site and finally decided where the tank for drinking water and the filter (Paul) should be located. It was very important to me that this area was covered by a roof. This is necessary on the one hand to provide
adequate protection against the wind and rain, and on the other hand, against all kinds of dirt (e.g. foliage) Therefore the filter is located now on the covered terrace and the tank for drinking water is next to the filter in front of the house. For the tank for drinking water a simple roof was produced. As well, the filter and the tank for drinking water were put on a base to simplify the cleaning and maintenance, but also to avoid waste and contamination (e.g. by animals, dogs).

In addition, the old water container in the “little house” (next to the well) was completely emptied and cleaned, before it was filled again with fresh water from the well. In the “little house” the new water pump was installed and connected to the supply of electricity. Besides,
two workers have dug a ditch to lay the water pipes.

At noon Chan Chan, the employees of the Technical Service and I had to go back, because the boat was leaving. So, I have had no possibility to develop a final idea to the installation of the pipes. Possibly Kyaw Kyaw (our manager in Mingun) will send some more photos, because on Monday the men have been working there from noon till the evening.

It is very important to me, to mention another problem: the rubbish on the area of the nursery school. There are everywhere all kinds of plastic, broken dishes, an old mattress etc. All this stuff should be collected and really thrown away instead of keeping it in one corner. But there is also the problem with neighbours who throw their rubbish on the grounds. Perhaps we should discuss the problem on the next village meeting or inform the village council.

8. 12.2016   Lisas Banek / Karl Bruch                                                       Alle Fotos von Lisa Banek

Die Stahlwassertanks für den Wasserturm im Kindergarten Mingun werden an der Jetty in Mandalay aufs Boot gebracht

Die Stahlwassertanks für den Wasserturm im Kindergarten Mingun werden an der Jetty in Mandalay aufs Boot gebracht

Der technische Service der PDO montiert die  Wassertanks auf dem Turm

Der technische Service der PDO montiert die Wassertanks auf dem Turm

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Der Technische Dienst in Aktion: Montage des Wasserbehälters

Der Technische Dienst in Aktion: Montage des Wasserbehälters

Der erste Hochbehälter wird auf die Plattform gehievt.

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Der Trinkwasserbehälter vor der Montage

Der Trinkwasserbehälter vor der Montage

Wassereentkeimer "Paul" ( links oben) und der Sammelbehälter für frische Trinkwasse (unten)

Wassereentkeimer "Paul" ( links oben) und der Sammelbehälter für frische Trinkwasse (unten)

Der kleine Trinkwassertank mit Frischwasser aus dem Wasserentkeimer "Paul"

Der kleine Trinkwassertank mit Frischwasser aus dem Wasserentkeimer "Paul"

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Die vorläufige Drainage des Spielplatzes

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Die neue automatische Wasserpumpe

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Allgemein, Volunteers, Kindergarten Mingun