Chemie-Unterricht and der PDO: Begeisterte Studenten berichten

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Vom 6.Okober 2016 bis 2.November.2016 war Klaus Cremer als Senior-Experte für naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht am NTTC. Bereits zu Anfang des Jahres 2016 hatte der Förderverein die „Experimento 10+ Kiste“ per Schiffsfracht in die PDO geschickt.
„Naturwissenschaften unterrichten mit lebensnahen Experimenten“ ist das Motto der von der Siemens Stiftung gespendeten Box voller Unterrichtsmaterial. Klaus Cremer griff in die Zauberkiste und weiter unten finden Sie den begeisterten Bericht von Zin Maung Maung, der den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht am NTTC betreut.

Woher kommt die Zauberkiste namens Experimento Box ?

Die Siemens Stiftung hat bereits eine ganze Reihe dieser Boxen in afrikanischen und lateinamerikanischen Entwicklungshilfeprojekten eingesetzt. Dass eine solche Kiste nun auch in der PDO gelandet ist, ist die große Ausnahme und kam auf die Vermittlung von Klaus Cremer zu stande, der auch gleichzeitig Multiplikatoren-Trainer für die Experimento-Box ist. Ein großes Dankeschön an die Siemens-Stiftung und an Klaus.

Zin Maung Maung schreibt:

As you know, Myanmar Education system is rote learning system. The students learn by memorizing by heart even in University. As a result, students are not able to think critically.
We, NTTC PDO students have a great chance to learn by doing and think critically. It is also great pleasure to learn science from German Expert- Mr Klaus. It benefits not only PDO Community but also the other monastic schools.
This year Mr Klaus has done many experiments. Two NTTC Teachers, 4 New Science Teachers, 3 teachers from Monastic Schools attended his science class. Fortunately teachers from normal classes were able to join his class. So we decided to divide into two groups. With NTTC Teachers, we did new experiment- building batteries using different types of Electrodes, Conductivity, we also observed how well does the ‘fruit and vegetable battery’ work? Etc.

Luckily, Mr Klaus brought a box which is from Siemens. So we have got a full material to continue our future experiments.
We really want to recommend Mr.Klaus to come again next year. He has got good results. Please see the following that we got from science teachers.

Zum Ende des Kurses machte Zin Maung Maung eine Umfrage unter den Teilnehmern/innen der
Lehrerfortbildungseinheit in Sachen naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht.

1. What did you learn?
1. I learnt about water molecules, effects of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide in air and how electricity can produce from fruit batteries, salt solution, acid solution, wind and sunlight by many experiments.
2. I learnt about water molecule, changing of water condition at different temperature, advantages and disadvantages of fire, the effect of Oxygen on air and charging battery from fruit for example lemon, potato, salt water and diluted citric acid.
3. I learnt about the crushed can, Oxygen and other atoms (elements), electrical energy (fruit battery and solar panel), Zinc and Copper as electrodes.
4. I learnt much about Chemistry which is concerned with elements and how can we prepare for generating Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon dioxide and moreover, I learnt about fire in specific.
5. I learnt about water molecules, effects of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide on air and how electricity can produce from fruit batteries, salt water, citric acid, wind and sunlight by many experiments.

6. I learnt about building batteries using different types of electrodes. We did the experiment together. He let us to think us hundreds kinds
of atoms (elements). They are Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen iron and Sulfur etc. He told us about atomic mass what we have learnt in high school by memorizing and they are really interesting and remarkable. I learnt creative chemistry by using low cost experiment (Demo) and solar panel.
7. I leant about water molecule, effects of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide on fair and how electricity can produce from fruit and vegetables batteries, salt, citric acid, wind and sunlight by many experiments.

2. What did you like most?
I like all lessons. Something I like most is producing electricity from fruit. I like teaching method using role plays, games and many funny things.
I like all of experiments, teaching method and role plays. The most I like is doing experiments because I am very interested to do them.
I most like is producing electrical energy from fruits, solar panel, air and by using Zinc and Copper as electrodes.
I like all of the experiments that we learned Mr.Klaus. The most I like is doing experiments in training room and doing with solar panel.
I like all experiments. The most I like are charging battery using fruit and vegetable and produce volt from sunlight and wind.
I enjoyed most is producing the electrical energy from fruits, solar panel, air by using Zinc and Copper as electrodes.
I like all experiments. Producing electricity from fruit and sunlight is I like this experiment.

3. What did not you like?
I didn’t have. I like all. All are good.
I didn’t like that he makes some experiments repeatedly.
I don’t like for giving a few hand note. I want to get more and more experiment.
None!!! I like all of his teaching.
I don’t like salt solution.I don’t like for giving a few hand note. I want to get more and more experiment.
I don’t have. We should learn many experiments.

4. What should Mr.Klaus do next year?
He should come to Myanmar to work as a volunteer teacher and to teach us many new experiments.
I think that he should make some experiments only once successfully next time.
Mr.Klaus should do more new experiments next year.
He should give more training about those elements like where we can find, how they react. We would like to learn more about Chemistry specifically and effectively.
He should come to Myanmar to work as a volunteer teacher and to teach us many new experiments.
Mr.Klaus should do more new experiments and hand notes next year. He should come back to Myanmar.

Nun kommt es darauf an, daß auch die neuen Lehrer und Lehrerinnen des NTTC in die Zauberkiste greifen und einen lebendigen Naturkunde-Unterricht praktizieren. Bei Anwendung dieser Methoden wird der Erfolg nicht ausbleiben. Im Gegenteil, es ist die einzige Garantie, daß Gelerntes auch in den Köpfen der Schüler weiterlebt.

Im November 2016 : Zin Maung Maung, Karl Bruch

Vielen Dank an die Siemens Stiftung für die Experimento Box

Vielen Dank an die Siemens Stiftung für die Experimento Box

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Alle Fotorechte: Zin Maung Maung

Allgemein, NTTC