Kindergarden Mingun: The next steps.

Workbenches-04 Workbenches-05 Workbenches-06

At the last board meeting in April 2016 the following resolution was adopted:

Förderverein Myanmar e.V supports the following measures in kindergarten Mingun:

2.1 The construction of the water tower gemäß to the plan and estimate of Chan Chan.
2.2 The tiling of the dining area
2.3 A new smartphone for Kyaw Kyaw for the daily communication so with Förderverein.
2.4 A new industrial vacuum cleaner
2.5 Working benches gemäß to Kyaw Kyaws sketch.
2.6 A solid good parquet flooring gemäß to ChanChans estimate.

Chan Chan is the architect of Paung Daw Oo Monastic High School (PDO)

Gradually, these points will now be processed this year. Point 2.3 “A new
Smartphone for Kyaw Kyaw “is done. In the now fairly good communication conditions in
Myanmar a smartphone is an indispensable device.

Now also Section 2.5 “Working Tables for laptops” is done. Our local manager Kyaw
Kyaw has sent us the photos.

The dining area will be tiled next and an industrial vacuum cleaner will be bought for doing the weekly “Cleaning campaign”. Then the water tower is tackled

21. Mai 2016 Karl Bruch

Workbenches for Nurses and children Foto: Kyaw Kyaw

Workbenches for Nurses and children Foto: Kyaw Kyaw

The brandnew Workbenches Foto: Kyaw Kyaw

The brandnew Workbenches Foto: Kyaw Kyaw

Allgemein, Kindergarten Mingun