Mingun in Progress

Ms Christiane Kiessling will start for her third stay in Mingun in November 2015
and there continue her successful work in the kindergarten. Ms Kiessling
composed  a photo compilation about her engagements in 2012 and 2013
“Mingun in Progress”. We will publish this documentation within the next days on our Website. The collection comporting actions with the kindergarten
children and the building improvement shows the great development of the
Mingun kindergarten during the last years. This was possible due to the hard
work and commitment of the village community of Mingun. The financial
support came from the Foerderverein Myanmar, with a large donation of our
Board member Frido Woll. Christine Kiessling  trained with great dedication and
professional competence the nurses and inspired children, parents and nurses.
We from the he Foerderverein Myanmar are proud of our model kindergarten.
