Evaluation at the New Teacher Training Center

During their stay in Myanmar, President Konrad Krajewski, Vicepresident Marianne Granz and Mr. Roland Forster observed and evaluated the NTTC project of teacher training and new teaching methods at PDO. They explored possibilities for extending NTTC to other schools in Myanmar.

The evaluation, executed by Ms Granz and Dr. Forster, has come to a good result and confirmed that the NTTC teaching and learning complies with German standards (ErgebnisseEvaluierung NTTC ).

They were holding a lot of talks concerning the extension of NTTC. It becomes apparent that the new form of teaching will be practised, in a diluted form, in other small classes of PDO, too. Furthermore there is an interest of other schools to adopt the model.

In the next 6 months graduates of the PDO Precollege Programme are going to teach English lessons conforming to the standards of NTTC in rural monastery schools in all parts of Myanmar. Thereby they will teach NTTC to the teachers on these schools (Teaching English Association for Monastic School )

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